All posts tagged: featured

Breaking Design Rules: The 3-Click ‘Rule’ of UX

UX design (as with all disciplines) is full of ‘rules’. These set a standard that designers can follow to ensure that their UX is both current and efficient. Rules eventually become outdated and new ones will appear to replace them.

Rules can be helpful, but ultimately, I prefer to call them guidelines as a designer should always consider their specific situation before making decisions. The best designers are ones who breaks rules. If we never broke rules, we wouldn’t have innovation.


Fundamental is an educational application that teaches kids about science in fun and innovative ways. It uses characters, storytelling, and achievements to encourage kids to learn. The goal is to ignite or encourage an interest for science by turning it into a fun, rewarding experience. Kids are in control of their learning as they have the ability to explore and choose what adventure (lesson) they want to do next. I spent 9 months working on the project from initial research to the final functional prototype.

Tools for the Product Design Process: Part 1

This is for anyone who is new to product design and is wondering what tools they should use or purchase. It is by no means a definitive or complete list, so I invite other designers to share what tools they use. This first part will cover sketching, while future parts will cover wireframing, prototyping, and project management tools. Sketching The first (and arguably most important) step is brainstorming and sketching out ideas. For some people this could be storyboarding or diagramming user flows, while for others it could be jumping straight to interface sketches. You should consider what you’ll be doing before you purchase a sketchbook. Every designer should have a sketchbook, but I recommend having at least two. The key goal here is iteration — you want to explore all the possible solutions to your problem. Since this usually means I start with rough, quick, and ugly sketches to get out ideas, I try to save money with a cheap sketchbook. Sometimes I’ll just whatever is free and accessible (e.g. printer paper, a napkin, my arm). …

Why do you write?

As a writer, I’m always interested in why others write. Obviously no one writes to get rich (if that is your reason, I’m sorry and good luck), so what is it about writing that we all seem to love so much? Some authors cite their characters keeping them awake at night or something noble like wanting to change the world. Their answers are varied and thoughtful. While I agree with these reasons, I also have some of my own to add. I love writing… …because everything around me can turn into a scene. I’m in love with the sound of the keys tapping, and more than anything, I want to see my words copied on paper and bound in hardcover. There’s the off chance that I can create something more than words on a page. I can create world of my own and travel to another place for free. I love writing because I want to taste the stars. …because it helps others understand me. It helps me understand me. I have something to say …

Some Short Films

I love short films. If it’s well done, you can get the same satisfaction (if not more) as a full-length film in a fraction of the time. One of my favorite short films is The Eagleman Stag. This one, I love for way too many reasons. First, it’s stop motion in styrofoam. How someone has the time to do that and successfully pull it off astounds me. Two, the animation in general is stellar. The lighting and textures work really well and creates a beautiful design aesthetic. Third, the subject matter is something most of us freak out about constantly: time. The beginning of the video explains relativity by animating the narrator at different ages. The part where he creates a graph in the water to try and explain relativity is one of my favorites. Finally, it was a student project that won a BAFTA. Goodbye. I love weird, crazy artists, especially those who can successfully craft a short film. Eino Ruutsalo is a relatively obscure director who uses animated painted effects to his work. Personally, …