All posts filed under: Psychology

Breaking Design Rules: The 3-Click ‘Rule’ of UX

UX design (as with all disciplines) is full of ‘rules’. These set a standard that designers can follow to ensure that their UX is both current and efficient. Rules eventually become outdated and new ones will appear to replace them.

Rules can be helpful, but ultimately, I prefer to call them guidelines as a designer should always consider their specific situation before making decisions. The best designers are ones who breaks rules. If we never broke rules, we wouldn’t have innovation.

Gamification & Dogs

In Reality is Broken, game designer and author Jane McGonigal discusses the ways in which games positively contribute to the human experience. To do this, one must define a game; therefore, she lists four basic traits of games: a goal, rules, a feedback system, and voluntary participation. It is also important for a game to have significant benefits in order to have such a positive impact. The four intrinsic rewards she gives the reader are satisfying work, the experience (or the hope) of being successful, social connection, and meaning. By taking these traits and applying them to reality through a process known as gamification, society should be able to attain the rewards she lists. There are many aspects of reality (outside of the gaming world) that already encompass these traits, such as performing or cooking. The example I will break down and explain is having a dog (or a cat if you’re a cat-person or a baby if you’re a human-person) as most people can relate to owning a pet.

Introversion versus Extroversion

The world is full of social butterflies and wallflowers. No matter how much someone might want to change this personality style, it is nearly impossible to do because it is so ingrained within us. Knowing whether you are an extrovert or an introvert is important because how we interact with others is an essential aspect to our daily life. When you better understand how you do so, you can optimize a lot of relationships and feel happier and less drained overall. If you’re curious, take this quick quiz to find out which you are. Remember to answer the questions as honestly as possible, without trying to get a specific result. Take the Quiz Introvert You are a thinker. You are deliberate and are good at concentrating. Socially, you devote your energy to close friends. You are a great listener, but when it comes to communicating you think before you speak. You express yourself better in writing or thinking alone. Most introverts despise small talk, but this doesn’t mean that they hate social interaction. Social introverts …